Volume 30, Issue 1, 2021

DOI: 10.24205/03276716.2020.2052

Study of Young Indonesian's Psychological Attitude and Purchase Intention toward Slow Fashion

The current fashion system depresses resources, pollutes and destroys nature and its ecosystem. However, slow fashion encourages innovation in increasing value and relationships with customers, such as improving quality and authenticity, prioritizing local products and partners, and paying attention to fair trade principles. It is crucial to understand slow fashion, especially in developing countries with large populations. Against this background, this study examines how environmental awareness, clothing disposal behavior, shopping behavior for environmentally friendly products, and fashion interests influence psychological attitudes and purchase intentions towards slow fashion. The data collected mostly from university students majoring in home economics at three universities in Indonesia's central city. A total of 316 complete responses obtains during the investigation. SEM is used to test the predicted factors to influence psychological approaches and acquisition intentions of slow fashion products. This research shows that shopping behavior of environmentally friendly products (SBEFP), awareness of the Environment (AE), and fashion interests (FI) have a favorable result on psychological attitudes and acquisition intentions of slow fashion. However, this attitude has a partial relationship with consumption purposes concerning toward slow fashion.

Environmental Awareness, Shopping Behavior of Environmentally Friendly Products, Fashion Interest, Psychological Assertiveness Concerning Slow Fashion, Consumption Purpose Concerning Slow Fashion

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