Volume 30, Issue 1, 2021

DOI: DOI: 10.24205/03276716.2020.2099

Effect of creative dance on attention deficit hyperactivity disorder children's attention

In the primary one class, there was a child with klutzon's disease with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. The mother told him that the student's vision test was completely blind. The mother hoped that Baobao could learn Braille. The researcher observed that when Baobao did not take it, the student's vision test was completely blind Before taking drugs, his behavior is easy to get out of control. Even if he is sitting in a chair, Baobao's persistence is quite short. He will get up in less than 3 minutes and walk with a towel, and he likes to roll on the ground. This happens repeatedly. It seems that Baobao can't concentrate on listening for 3 minutes. His hyperactivity symptoms make the researcher confirm that Baobao has residual vision. Baobao is a very lively and cheerful blind student. His hyperactivity makes the researchers find that he has rich body language, oral expression and imagination. How to transform his superior ability into .The learning style inspires researchers to use creative dance to guide children to stimulate their learning ability by case study. Whether Baobao can improve their concentration in class without taking altruism? The research process includes observation, interview, painting and video recording to analyze students' learning process. The research time is 45 minutes per week, time from grade one to grade three. This study found that creative dance can effectively improve the concentration of the case, and the concentration time has increased from 3 minutes to 10 minutes. The case likes to create different body movements and promote the social behavior of peers. The researchers also learn from the creative dance, waiting, oral guidance, many problems, and use the dance body to grow and thrive with the case.

Creative dance, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, concentration

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