Volume 20, Issue 1

Integration of Attachment The ory and Evidence Based Models in Under standing Marital Satisfaction

The objective of this research was to determinethe weight in determining marital satisfaction of the variables ofattachment, sexual dissatisfaction, understanding of the other,""easily"" influenced, repair attempts, and depression in a sampleof 221 Chilean partners. Multilevel analysis using HierarchicalLinear Model showed that individual level (level 1) decreasesmarital satisfaction, increased levels of avoidance, sexualdissatisfaction and if being female. Increase marital satisfactionrepair capacities and easily influenced. Regarding the variablesshared by the spouses (level 2), marital satisfaction increaseswith increasing socioeconomic status and years of marriage.Results are discussed based on the integration of attachmenttheory and evidence-based models.

marital satisfaction, attachment, sexual dissatisfaction

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