Volume 29, Issue 2

DOI: 10.24205/03276716.2020.223


With the advent of computer and Internet technologies, human-computer interaction has been widely adopted in online education platforms. However, there is not yet a thorough analysis on how human-computer interaction affect the psychology of students and the teaching efficiency. This paper attempts to identify the psychological response of students to the education mode involving human-computer interaction. Specifically, a psychological hierarchy model was established, with interactive behavior, psychological reflection and sensory experience as principal elements. Then, a questionnaire survey was conducted in Renmin University of China. The survey data were analyzed on the SPSS, with interface design, interactive operation, system functions, and learning content as independent variables and psychological cognition and sensual experience as dependent variables. The results show a friendly interactive design of human-computer interaction can promote the sensory and emotional experience of students, arouse their interests in learning and improve the teaching effect. The research results provide new insights into the application of human computer interaction in college education.

human-Computer Interaction, Psychological Hierarchy Model, Questionnaire Survey, Teaching Efficiency.

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