Its objectives are to promote and spread the word of the scientific production in the Clinical Psychology area, generate a space for the expression of diverse approaches and paradigms allowing to show the state of the art of the discipline and to encourage exchange between Mental Health professionals. Issues are continuously being published since 1992. The journal publishes original articles covering a wide array of topics on Clinical Psychology, evaluation and therapeutic approaches (theoretical models and clinical applications), Consumer Psychology, Brand Psychology, etc. It counts with Special Sections such as: Psychotherapy in different countries, interviews to renowned professionals, etc. The journal also publishes monographic numbers and sections with special topics. The Editorial Board is integrated by national and international professionals of recognized trajectory. Its content is open access.replica watches
Impact Factor 2020: 0.508
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Indexed in PsychInfo, Latindex, Lilacs, Psicodoc, Dialnet, Journal Citation Reports, Science Citation Index Expanded, Social Sciences Citation Index, Ebsco, Redalyc, Núcleo Básico de Revistas Científicas Argentinas & Crosserf.