Volume 29, Issue 5, 2020
DOI: 10.24205/03276716.2020.1061
Service Quality and Customers’ Satisfaction Nexus in The Light of Price Perception Moderation
This study is related to customers' satisfaction in modern era towards organized retailers of Pakistan and organized retailers have much importance in the economy of any developed and developing country. Retail industry of Pakistan is the best-growing industry and has many contributions to the Pakistani economy. We strived to understand the importance of service quality and moderating impact of price perception on customers' satisfaction. We collected the questionnaire data from the market of Pakistan and after that used SEM-PLS for data analysis. It divulges that service quality is strongly associated with customers' satisfaction, but price perception is the factor that can modify or distracts the customers’ satisfaction
Organized retailers, Price, service quality, customers’ satisfaction, and unorganized retailers