Volume 30, Issue 1, 2021
DOI: 10.24205/03276716.2020.2011
Turkish Validity and Reliability Study of the Five-Factor Personality Types Scale among Academicians
The purpose of this study is to examine the validity and reliability of the Turkish form of the "The Big Five Inventory" Scale, which was developed by John & Naumann & Soto (2008), belonging to California Berkeley Personality Laboratory (John & Srivastava) (1999), in a sample of academicians. The study was conducted in February-June 2020. The sample in Turkey who work in state and private universities, research assistants, specialists, lecturers, assistant professors, associate professors and professors constitute 407 academics working in the team. The data were collected using the Sociodemographic Information Form and the Five-Factor Personality Types Scale. The structure validity of the scale was examined by factor analysis using the varimax axis rotation method. The reliability of the scale was evaluated by internal consistency, reliability coefficient and item-total score correlation; Test-retest reliability analysis was performed for time invariance. As a result of the factor analysis, five factors were found that meet 65.422% of the total variance and have an eigenvalue higher than 1. The factor loads of the items vary between 0.342-0.589. Cronbach's Alpha analysis was used to determine the internal consistency of the scale; the internal consistency coefficient for the whole scale is 0.917. The Turkish form of the Five-Factor Personality Types Scale is a valid and reliable scale that can be used to evaluate personality types in academics. Discussion: Suggestions were made in accordance with the findings.
Five factor personality types, personality traits, validity, reliability, confirmatory factor analysis