Volume 30, Issue 2, 2021

DOI: 10.24205/03276716.2020.4039

Happiness and Future Expectations in High School and Vocational High School Students

Goal: In this study, how level of happiness among high school and vocational high school students have an effect on their future expectations, is being researched. Method: Study has been conducted on adolescent students who are studying in public schools in Rize, Turkey. This study used 20387 high school students as its objects. Since the study group will be given equal opportunity to be selected for all students, using the random sampling method, the study group consists of 400 high school and 420 vocational high school, 259 female and 561 male students, in total of 820 individuals. This study, which is an application research, is a quantitative research conducted with the data obtained using the descriptive scanning model and the relational techniques. For data analysis, Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) 21.0 and AMOS 21.0 software’s has been used. The Cronbach Alpha value for the Oxford Happiness Scale that has been used in the research is 0,868, and the Cronbach Alpha value calculated for the Adolescent Future Expectation value is 0,875. Findings regarding the distribution of students according to their socio-demographic characteristics were determined by frequency analysis. Descriptive statistics regarding the scores the students got from the Oxford Happiness Scale and Adolescent Future Expectation Scale are given. The normal distribution status of the students’ scores from the Oxford Happiness Scale and Adolescent Future Expectation Scale was examined by looking at the KolmogorovSmirnov test, QQ plot and skewness-kurtosis values, and it was found that it revealed a normal distribution. Pearson test has been used to determine the relationship between the scores students received from the Oxford Happiness Scale and the Adolescent Future Expectation Scale. A structural equation model was created regarding the effect of the Oxford Happiness Scale scores of the students on the scores of the Adolescent Future Expectation Scale. Findings: As a result of the study, a statistically significant difference was found between the scores of the students from the Oxford Happiness Scale and the overall Adolescent Future Expectation Scale and the sub-dimensions of “Work and Education”, “Religion and Society”, “Health and Life” according to the types of high school. Discussion: Suggestions were made in line with the findings

Adolescent, Happiness, Future Expectation

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