Volume 30, Issue 2, 2021

DOI: 10.24205/03276716.2020.4095

Allergenicity Evaluation of Cytokines in Asthma Endotypes

Chronic inflammation of the lungs and airway hyper reactivity are among the key features of asthma. Asthma is a major public health problem; no active treatments are presently available which are capable of rectifying the related airway hypertrophy. Many researchers focus on the component of an acuteanaphylaxis. Concisely, different allergens “cross-links IgE molecules attached to high-affinity Fc epsilon receptors on the surface of mast cells”, which produces chemical mediators that contract the bronchi, cause edema, increase blood vessels, and novice eosino-phils. Chronic eosino-philic airway inflammation describes the mechanisms of a complex multicellular chain of reactions that not only involve basophils and mast cells. Nonethelessendothelial cells, lymphocytes and epithelial cells may also involve macrophages, neutrophilsand platelets. Moreover, Th2-like lymphocytes in airway release cytokines that in turn recruit and activate eosino-phils. Furthermore, on the endothelial cell surface these cytokines activate the adhesion molecules that indorse diapedesis of the eosin-ophils out of the circulation into the submucosa, mucosa, and lumen of the airway. In addition, inside the tissue eosino-phils degranulation, as result toxin proteins are released those damages the respiratory epithelium and account for numerous histopathologic abnormalities of asthma. Herein, we will discuss different roles of cytokines expression.

Inflammation, Cytokines, Eosino-phils, Asthma

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