Volume 18, Issue 1

Four Succ essful Short-Term Psych odynamic Psych otherapies Studied through Generic Change Indicators

Therapeutic change was studied in four shortterm psychodynamic oriented therapies. Micro-changes were analyzed through the hierarchy of Generic Change Indicators (CI) and through the ""subjective discomfort"", ""interpersonal relationships"" and ""social role"" scales of Lamberts' OQ-45.2. The four therapies showed a positive correlation between the evolution of sessions and the hierarchical level of change indicators. Two of these were measured with OQ-45.2, session by session, and showed a significant correlation between progress of sessions and therapeutic effect. In one of these the results indicated that the session evolution effect in ""subjective discomfort"" decreased significantly when intra session CI was also included. This led to the formulation of an hypothesis regarding the significant role of the CI in therapeutic outcome.

indicators of change, psychotherapeutic process, short-term psychodynamic psychotherapies

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