Volume 21, Issue 2

Series on Upgrading Methodology in Clinical Psychology. ¿How do we know if our patients are improving? Criteria for clinical significance in psychotherapy: A renewed debate

The present article synthesizes a debate emerged over twenty five years ago, that has renewed it's intensity and relevance: What is the most reliable criteria for establishing clinical change for efficacy and effectiveness studies in psychotherapy? The two traditional criteria used for outcome studies – statistical significance and practical significance – are presented. Clinical significance, the youngest criteria developed, is described and discussed in detail. The different clinical significance definitions and methods for it´s calculation are explained. The aplication of the clinical significance criteria is ilustrated by a fictitious case. This study shows clinical significance as an important resource not only for psychotherapy research, but also for clinical practice, being also an important contribution to facilitate the interaction between these areas.

clinical significance, psychotherapy change, outcome, efficacy

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